Team volume: $56.2 million
Team sides: 27
Individual volume: $33.3 million
Individual sides: 14
Delivering Purpose
EJ Pulpan, 28, started his real estate career as a property manager, answering calls around the clock. "It was entry-level, but it gave me the opportunity to get to know a lot of people and learn the intricacies of owning real estate," he says. Pretty soon, Pulpan started pinpointing specific issues affecting properties, from financing to performance. "I was able to start creating my own underwriting models on how the properties were performing," he said. "I took that information and presented it to stakeholders."
His work improved company performance and helped clients save—and make—money.
Whether working with a large investor holding multiple properties or a mom-and-pop with only one, Pulpan knows how to tailor his formula to meet the client’s needs.
Pulpan, a philosophy major who wrestled with the existential question of the purpose of life, discovered that watching others succeed in real estate brings him joy and meaning.