Partner/Two-person team
Rolls Realty
6706 Harriott Road
Powell, OH 43065
United States
Ohio US

Entertaining Touch

Cole Cannon, 28, knows real estate is a serious business, but that doesn’t mean always keeping a straight face. “Our team is very ‘go with the flow,’ ” says Cannon, who became an agent after realizing a corporate job wasn’t the right fit. “We just try to have fun with it and not take ourselves too seriously.” That’s why Cannon describes houses in terms of their “good juju.” He measures kitchens not in square feet but by the number of butts that fit. Buyers who plan to do a lot of entertaining, he says, need something bigger than a one- or two-butt kitchen. Cannon finds the approach helps put clients at ease, especially first-timers. “Buying a house is kind of like telling people you’re pregnant. Everyone has an opinion, or even horror stories,” he says. “We try to give clients all the information, but have fun with it. We build a relationship by letting clients see our personalities.”