MLSs may, as a matter of local determination, make statistical reports, sold information, and other informational reports derived from the MLS available to REALTORS® who do not participate in the MLS but who are engaged in real estate brokerage, management, appraising, land development, or building. Additional expenses incurred in providing such information to REALTORS® who do not participate in the MLS may be included in the price charged for such information. Any information provided may not be transmitted, retransmitted, or provided in any manner to any individual, office, or firm, except as otherwise authorized in the MLS rules and regulations.

MLSs may, as a matter of local determination, provide statistical reports, sold information, and other informational reports derived from the MLS to government agencies. MLSs may, as a matter of local discretion, require that such agencies (or representatives of such agencies) hold an appropriate form of membership in the MLS or in the association of REALTORS® as a condition of such access. (Amended 11/21) M