Where the multiple listing service of an association of REALTORS® is required by law to provide access to nonmembers and immediate access is provided to such nonmembers, similar immediate access shall be provided to applicants for membership in the association of REALTORS® subject to any required orientation in multiple listing policies and procedures. Otherwise, the application for association membership shall be processed in the normal manner. (Amended 11/04)

Such access to MLS shall be provided to applicants for association membership as described, waiving the provisions of Interpretations No. 9 and No. 18, Official Interpretations of Article I, Section 2, Bylaws of the National Association, and of Point 5 of the Membership Qualification Criteria of the National Association for Applicants for REALTOR® Members Who Are Sole Proprietors, Partners, Corporate Officers, or Branch Office Managers in a Real Estate Firm. (Amended 11/96)

After providing such access to MLS, the applications of such applicants for association membership should proceed on a normal basis and all association membership qualifications and all Official Interpretations of Article I, Section 2, Bylaws of the National Association have full force and effect. (Amended 11/04) M