Authorization to use the Logo is limited to the following authorized licensees (“Authorized Licensees”):

a. Associations of REALTORS® that own or control a multiple listing service, wholly owned by REALTOR® associations, and that have certified that their governing documents comply with multiple listing policy of the National Association.

b. Multiple listing services owned and/or controlled solely by an association(s) of REALTORS®, and when the governing documents of the owning or controlling association(s) of REALTORS® and/or the MLS, if a separate legal entity with separate governing documents, have certified that their governing documents comply with multiple listing policy of the National Association.

c. Members of an association of REALTORS® that owns and/or controls a multiple listing service and that has certified that their governing documents comply with multiple listing policy of the National Association.

Authorized Licensees use of the Logo is subject to the following limitations:

  • The Logo may not be modified.
  • The Logo may not be used as a lapel pin or jewelry.
  • The Logo may be used only on stationery, printed forms, websites and within promotional materials regarding multiple listing services.
  • Authorized Licensees acknowledge that the National Association is the exclusive owner of the Logo.
  • The multiple listing service must cease all use of the Logo in the event it is no longer solely owned and/or controlled by an association(s) of REALTORS®.
  • The association(s) of REALTORS® and multiple listing service must cease all use of the Logo in the event any governing documents of the association(s) of REALTORS® or the multiple listing service, if applicable, do not comply with multiple listing policy of the National Association.
  • The National Association reserves the right to require Authorized Licensees to adhere to additional limitations on use of the Logo and to cease use of the Logo for any reason within its sole discretion. (Amended 11/20) I