Company:Fridrich & Clark Realty

Kidd and her daughter Cannon founded Village Hope—an orphanage and farm in Zimbabwe for 16 orphans whose parents have died of AIDS, which afflicts as much as 25 percent of the area’s population. The children—most of whom would be dead or living on the streets without Village Hope—now live in a family setting with loving house parents. The children go to school, learn to care for animals and plant crops—skills they need to become productive adults. Kidd and Cannon also fund an effort to feed and support more than 100 street children in the city of Harare.

You can contact Pam Kidd and Keri Cannon at Fridrich & Clark Realty, Nashville, TN; 615/327-4800. Or, contact the Children of Zimbabwe Fund c/o The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, 615/321-4939;

Read Pam & Keri's profile