Across the nation, REALTORS® are doing amazing things to improve the quality of life in their communities. Meet five whose work is truly extraordinary: the 2008 recipients of REALTOR® magazine's Good Neighbor Awards.

2008 Winners 

  • Lei Barry: Helps the homeless make a new start
  • Scott & Robin Gwaltney: Give disadvantaged teens a chance to excel
  • Reita Hutson: Puts smiles on the faces of Sudanese "Lost Boys"
  • Caroline McCartney: Raises millions for kids with cancer
  • Sheila Stevens: Takes powerful aim at breast cancer

In any year, REALTOR® magazine's Good Neighbor Award winners are an extraordinary group. This year's economic tumult—combined with head-snapping increases in food, fuel, and other costs—might be reasonable cause for some to hide under the covers until conditions turn around.

But the need of so many others serves as a sort of beacon to the REALTORS® who distinguish themselves as Good Neighbor Award winners. It is precisely when times are toughest that the Good Neighbors shine brightest.

The Good Neighbor Awards, now in their ninth year, recognize REALTORS® who've made an extraordinary commitment to helping others through volunteer work. Each of this year's winners encountered someone in need and said, "I can help."

Now's your chance to meet the 2008 winners—whose combined volunteer work totalled more than 8,000 hours last year—and learn how they realized that giving and giving, and giving some more, was simply a part of who they are.

The 2008 winners will be honored Nov. 8 during the REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Orlando, and each of their charitable organizations will receive a $10,000 grant and a $2,500 gift card from sponsor Lowe's. Five Good Neighbor Honorable Mentions will receive $2,500 for their community cause, plus a $1,500 Lowe's gift card.
