Quick Takeaways

  • Sarasota’s Bobby Jones Golf Course now includes a nature park
  • The nature park will attracter birdwatchers, walkers and bicyclists
  • Newly created wetlands filters stormwater

Source: Melding Golf and Urban Green Space (Golf Course Industry, Dec. 1, 2023)

Since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a resurgence of golfers and interest in golf course homes due to the socially distanced and outdoor nature of the sport, participation in golf has grown.  This also resulted in a return to the golf course home being trendy and desirable. However, the lowest inventory housing market in history may be changing the trajectory of the golf course home yet again, as golf courses are being developed into single family housing.

In terms of the environment, golf courses are a touchy subject. While some see them as a waste of water, especially in areas where droughts are prevalent, others see them as guaranteed green space. Whatever way you lean, some golf courses are certainly trying to change this reputation by becoming more open and ingrained with their communities and natural surroundings, as well as by reducing water use, among other things. Golf courses can also function as a nature reserve, attracting birds and butterflies. In Sarasota, the Bobby Jones Golf Course co-exists with a park, trails and wetlands. Closed golf courses have been “rewilded” by native plants and wildlife.

To some, a home on a golf course is an automatic signifier of wealth and class, giving the owner a sense of pride. To others, the same home may be simply a risk for broken windows. Golf courses certainly may affect the value of your home, but it is a matter of personal taste.

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