The path to a global business starts here.

As a REALTOR®, you are a global professional in a field that is increasingly impacted by international and multicultural communities. Each year, roughly $66 billion worth of U.S. real estate is sold to buyers residing primarily outside of the country. Immigrants, first-generation Americans, and buyers with extended families living abroad also represent a growing demographic among potential homebuyers in all 50 states.

Our site is designed to provide you with many of the resources necessary to identify and capture global business in your area. We hope that you will use these materials to learn about your international customer base and to eliminate the borders that exist between your business and the global opportunities at your fingertips.

Five Easy Resources for REALTOR® Members

  1. Read Global Perspectives in Real Estate, NAR Global's bimonthly newsletter filled with valuable information regarding global business development for REALTORS®.
  2. Access NAR Global's 75+ Resources and Services for the Global Real Estate Professional.
  3. Learn about the global impact in your market. Access NAR's International Real Estate Research Reports, including all 50 State-by-State International Business Reports.
  4. Access NAR Global's Market to Market Toolbox, an extensive online collection of periodicals, links, organizations, and contacts to help you jump-start your global outreach efforts. Learn which business tips CIPS members found useful when expanding their business.
  5. Become a Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Designee or enroll in coursework and join the CIPS Network to begin to network with like-minded global professionals.

Five Suggestions for Association Executives and REALTOR® Boards

  1. Access NAR Global's Resources for Association Executives to learn about how you can help your members seize global business opportunities today, including the opportunity to host the curriculum for Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation.
  2. Utilize your listserv or e-marketing system to post news items and announce upcoming events of significance to REALTORS® seeking to expand their business to global customers. Repost NAR articles featured in the Global e-Report (subscribe from your M1 Member ID profile) or from past Global Perspectives in Real Estate newsletters.
  3. Make your members aware of resources such as NAR Global's 75+ Resources and Services for the Global Real Estate Professional and the Market to Market Toolbox.
  4. Attend your state's annual REALTOR® convention or others in your region to network with globally-minded AEs and REALTOR® Board members. Report back to your members on global topics covered.
  5. Make your members aware of any alliances or Ambassador Association relationships. Consider collaboration on programming and outreach with those boards in your region that serve as Ambassador Associations.