Intro to Global Tech Series
by Craig Grant, President, EasyRealtySites and The Real Estate Technology Institute
As covered in last month’s article, a recent study from the National Association of REALTORSⓇ estimates that in from March 2017-April 2018, foreign buyers spent $153 billion in U.S. residential real estate, with additional billions spent in commercial properties.
My name is Craig Grant, a national speaker/instructor on technology, and in the third article of a series of articles for The Global View, it is my goal to show you how you can leverage technology to get a slice of this amazing pool of business.
This month we are going to explore how to use technology to communicate and interact with clientele no matter where they are or what language they may speak.
Tools to Help You Learn to Speak a Foreign Language
There are many online universities, websites & apps that have amazing curriculum to help you learn many languages including Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish, German, Korean, Portuguese and many more. Here are a few to look into:

considered one of the top technology, marketing & risk management instructors around.
As his motto, “Advanced Real Estate Technology Instructed at a Pre-K Level” states, Craig is able to take extremely complicated technology topics and present them in a fun and engaging way that the average non-technical person not only understands, but is able apply to improve their business.