Thank you for your interest in NAR's Global Achievement Program. We are pleased that you have decided to join over 130 of the country's leading REALTOR® associations in bringing global business awareness to your members.

About NAR's Global Achievement Program

The Global Achievement Program is designed to recognize and reward the most active associations in global business. Among the over 130 global business councils nationwide, each of these organizations has demonstrated the utmost commitment to helping members capture their share of the global real estate market in the United States, in addition to connecting their council and members to the global community in their local area.

Participating councils are divided into four status classifications based on their level of activity: Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. A council need not meet every criterion listed for a given status level if the size or demographics of its parent association do not warrant or allow it to do so. Those councils achieving each status classification are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and announced by the National Association of REALTORS® Engagement Team. A council's status year begins at NAR's REALTORS® Conference & Expo.

Councils are evaluated in five focus areas: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach, and Benchmarking.

Read best practices from past Achievement Program applications and listen to the audio series, Platinum Perspectives for first-hand insight into the award-winning programming at state and local associations across the U.S.

The 2024 Global Achievement Program Application will be open from August 30, 2024 thru 11:59pm CT on September 27, 2024.

Apply today

For any questions regarding this process, please email

Participating Global Business Councils are entitled to the following benefits:

Silver Council

See the Silver Council award winners.

  • Electronic badge for display on web site and in other council materials/publications
  • Acknowledgement on
  • Acknowledgement on signage at NAR Global meetings at the REALTORS® Conference & Expo

Gold Council

See the Gold Council award winners.

Gold Councils are entitled to all Silver benefits, plus:

  • Acknowledgement on CIPS and NAR Global’s Facebook and Twitter sites

Platinum Council

See the Platinum Council award winners.

Platinum Councils are entitled to all Silver and Gold benefits, plus:

  • Global Council chair and one staff person invited for a photo and champagne toast prior to International Night Out at the REALTORS® Conference & Expo, to receive the Platinum Council award.
  • Association featured with a profile on
  • Press release created by NAR Global for Council’s distribution to media outlets

Diamond Council

See the Diamond Council award winners

Global councils must have achieved Platinum status for 5 consecutive years and then apply for the award in their 6th year and meet all criteria for Platinum status in order to receive Diamond.

Diamond Councils are entitled to all Platinum, Silver and Gold benefits, plus:

  • Recognition at NAR's International Night Out & Award Ceremony

No Silver, Gold or Platinum council is guaranteed to retain its status from year to year. Councils must apply annually and must continue to meet or exceed the criteria of a given status level in order to maintain it. Diamond councils retain their status with biennial reviews of their programs and must continue to meet or exceed the criteria in order to maintain the status.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stephanie Aker at
