Last October, Global Perspectives shared “Three Essential Building Blocks for Global Business.” That issue provided a framework for any CIPS designee who wants to tackle (or revisit) three key foundational steps—the initial groundwork for embarking upon a global real estate practice.

This month goes a step further. If you want global business to factor largely into your future success, how do you build a marketing plan to support that goal?

Inside, you’ll find fresh thinking, specifically for global agents, from three perspectives:

  1. creating the best online assets
  2. boosting your networking efforts
  3. making smart advertising decisions

In addition to numerous thought-starters, you’ll  find several Action Items. Some of these recommendations require considerably more time than others. Pick and choose among them, based on your personal preferences and/or where your practice needs the most attention.

Also, don’t limit yourself to the techniques mentioned here. Marketing is a vast topic, and this issue only touches the tip of the iceberg. The only “wrong” plan is no plan at all. Given time and attention, a thriving global real estate practice is entirely within your reach!

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