In the world of real estate, buyers and sellers have many different reasons for crossing national borders. With commercial properties, the motivations are usually driven by money-making opportunities. For example, a company may need facilities to expand its operations in a new region. Or an investor may be interested in purchasing hotel property, which will be managed by a relocating relative.

These are just a couple examples of cross-border a transactions that start with a commercial investment, but lead to additional residential business. Sometimes the ripple effect flows the other way, starting with a residential purchase. In either case, CIPS designees are in an excellent position to leverage the CIPS network for global referral opportunities.

If you aren’t already acquainted with important cross-border commercial investments, this issue of Global Perspectives will bring you up to speed on recent activity and expectations for future growth. While the focus is predominantly on the largest transactions and biggest markets, the total sum of money flowing across borders is so extensive that pockets of opportunity are apparent in nearly every market.

Because commercial real estate is a highly specialized industry with many different fields of expertise (office, retail, industrial, land, etc.), professional networking and referrals play an important role in cultivating new opportunities. As a result, this issue also includes valuable tips any CIPS designee can use to extend his or her network and participate more actively in all types of global business.
