Did you know that through the CIPS designation, you have access to a whole cache of personal marketing materials to spread the word that you are a global agent? The work has already been done, all you need to do is customize with your contact information and distribute through your marketing/advertising channels!

The CIPS marketing materials available to you include:

Customizable Print Postcards – These postcards can easily be customized with your contact information for a direct mailing campaign to three distinct buyer groups and carry unique messages to each—buyers seeking an investment property; a new home; or new home in America. The postcards are available in four languages—English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
GIF Flash Banner ads – These digital advertisements feature unique messaging to the same three audiences as the print postcards. Customize them with your contact information and add to your web site or other sites as part of your advertising/marketing campaign.
Press release – A sample press release is available for you to customize and distribute to announce your achievement in becoming a CIPS. Distribute to local print and broadcast journalism outlets, and include unique thoughts or story ideas to be viewed as the go-to global expert in your local market! The free marketing that comes from a story or being on the news can be invaluable.
Consumer marketing campaign – Most recently, NAR Global has created a package of consumer marketing pieces to help you explain the value of working with a CIPS designee.
The package includes:

  • PowerPoint slides for your listing presentations
  • An electronic “badge” (.jpg image) to place on your web site announcing your status as a Certified International Property Specialist
  • A Facebook cover photo to announce your status as a CIPS and to showcase your pride in joining this elite network of international professionals
  • A web page to link from the badge or banner ads, describing what it means to work with a CIPS designee
  • Print materials with talking points on the value of the CIPS designation.

"CIPS has already made a huge difference in my domestic results,” said Jason Peé, CIPS, Dunes Properties in Charleston, SC. “Simply explaining (in a listing presentation) that I can market a property to a global network of agents has prompted sellers to sign on the spot. Even though they know very little about the ins and outs of international real estate, the concept of hiring ‘a global agent’ really resonates as a differentiating factor. In fact, I credit this strategy with helping me earn nearly $4 million in listings just over the past four months, and I’ve already closed half that business."

What CIPS Does on Your Behalf

In an ongoing effort to bring awareness of the designation to real estate professionals and consumers, CIPS staff:

  • Provides editorial pieces for publications such as the Asian Real Estate Association of America’s (AREAA) A|R|E magazine, RISMedia’s Real Estate magazine, major franchise publications, and state/local/cooperating association publications.
  • Distributes Guide to Finding International Real Estate Professionals to over 3,400 international government entities in the United States and abroad, including chambers of commerce, consulates, cooperating associations, economic development councils, embassies, world trade centers, local associations, and state associations. This guide promotes the value of working with a CIPS designee and information on how to access the CIPS Directory.
  • Provides pertinent knowledge and industry information to the real estate community via The Global View Blog. Visit TheGlobalView. blogs.realtor.org and sign up to receive blog updates via e-mail or RSS feed.

Additional CIPS Benefits

  • Team Store - Proudly display your CIPS designation! Go to the REALTOR® Team Store to buy shirts, tees, sweaters, and jackets bearing the CIPS logo.
  • CIPS Browser Toolbar – Download the CIPS toolbar to conveniently access designee benefits, resources and news.
  • Webinars – The Global Perspectives Webinar Series complements the CIPS bimonthly printed newsletter and further explores timely topics designed to help you grow your global business. Participate live or download previously recorded webinars to listen at your convenience.
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