Whether you are a new designee or a seasoned veteran, earning the CIPS designation is a significant achievement that requires commitment and dedication to maintain. The designation is a powerful tool when building (or expanding) your global business. You have completed the first step by earning it, the next step is to make it work for you.

Some agents have little difficulty finding global business; the business seems to find them. Others are fulfilling a dream of building an international enterprise and have to work harder to attract global clients. In either case, it can seem like a daunting mission to find a niche and map out a plan with so many paths to choose from. NAR and the CIPS designation offer an expansive list of resources and a global network of referral partners to help your international endeavor.

This issue of Global Perspectives is a roadmap for new designees and a refresher for veterans. Inside, you will learn what resources and benefits are available to you from the CIPS designation, as well as how to leverage your CIPS network for referral and partnership opportunities. You’ll also gain insight on how designees are accessing numerous resources designed to support you at the national, state, and local levels. If you have questions about any resources mentioned in this issue, please contact us at CIPS@realtors.org.

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