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The dominant worldwide pay-per-click (PPC) advertising network, Google offers a myriad of options for text and image-based ads.

Search versus Display

Google Ads (formerly called Google AdWords) includes two different networks:

Search Network

Text ads appear in search engine results.

Google Search Network example

Google Display Network

Display ads appear on 2 million sites.

Google Display Network example

Display Ads: 6 Top Tips

Take advantage of these strategies for the best results on Google's Display Network:

  1. Targeting tools – Stipulate who will see your ads based on what people search for, by specific audience(s) or interest(s), particular websites, and more.1

  2. Remarketing – Take advantage of "remarketing," which means people who've demonstrated interest in your ads will see them again when they travel to other sites or use other mobile apps in Google's Display Network. It's one of the best ways to improve conversion rates.

  3. Exclude sites – Periodically check how your ads are performing and exclude any sites that aren't converting results.

  4. Manual targeting – Don't rely on Google's automatic targeting tools to make decisions for you over the life of your ad campaigns. To optimize your budget, monitor results and make manual adjustments.

  5. Similar audiences – Use Google's "similar audiences" tool to find new prospects for your ads.

  6. Time of day – Tweak the display schedule so your ads are shown during peak times. This will depend on what part of the world you want to reach and when people in those locations are most likely to see and respond to your ads.

By the Numbers

90% of internet users see Google Display ads.2

Learn More

1 Source: (formerly digital Market Ramblings)

2 Reminder: Make sure your targeting decisions are in compliance with Fair Housing laws.

3 This resource is for U.S.-based advertisers. CIPS designees in other countries should search for "Google Display Network" to find country-specific Google advertising guides.

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