Economic development organizations (EDOs) exist to help businesses connect with global investors and customers. Working with them allows agents to broaden their exposure to foreign nationals interested in investing in commercial, industrial and residential property through foreign direct investment and relocation.

If you haven’t worked with EDOs before, you may not know how to find them and take advantage of the connections they offer. Depending on your market, they can provide great resources for learning about international trade, identifying key foreign markets served by businesses in your area, and participating in local efforts to bring in foreign direct investment.

This issue of Global Perspectives looks at economic development from two very different angles. First, learn how agents can identify and work with EDOs to tap into the stream of foreign investment entering their market. EDOs provide not only a first point of contact for global investors looking at opportunities, but also a great venue for networking, for working with other related companies to coordinate approaches and offerings, and an opportunity for you to put your market’s best foot forward directly to potential investors and buyers.

You’ll also find important insights on how immigration is making a positive impact on the U.S. housing market. Immigrants represent a significant portion of the residential market. In some cities they have turned around key indicators and contributed to reversing negative trends. Learn where and how immigrants are making this happen.

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