Universities and colleges across the United States and around the world are reaching out beyond their borders, hoping to include substantial numbers of foreign students into their incoming classes. Higher education has become a global pursuit.

In the past, sending a child to be schooled in another country was reserved for the upper classes. The wealthy from around the world would enroll their sons and daughters at prestigious universities in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe not only for a fine education, but also to establish important social ties.

Today, pursuing international enrollment has become an industry. Private and public institutions of all sizes in every U.S. state and in many other countries are racing to build a globally diverse student body. International students help fill the coffers, raise a school’s prestige and establish global ties.

This issue of Global Perspectives will help you understand the mindset of universities and why international students are growing in importance—for universities and real estate agents alike. That’s because foreign students are often investing in more than tuition—property may be on their radar too. There are numerous angles for selling to this market and using it to expand your global business. So turn the page...It’s time to go back to school!
