Title:Signature Series Speakers' Bureau

Chestnut Hill, MA


Speaker fee: $2,500 plus expenses
Course length: 2 hours


Frank J. Parker is a Professor of Real Estate Development in the MBA Program at Boston College and was an Adjunct Professor at Boston College Law School.

Professor Parker has been a featured speaker at national conventions of The Real Estate Counselors, The Urban Land Institute, The Appraisal Institute, The National Realty Committee and The REALTORS® Land Institute. He was the editor of The Journal of RTC Real Estate, co-author of Modern Real Estate with Norman Schoenfeld, and contributing author to Alvin Arnold’s Real Estate Regulation Handbook and Alvin Arnold’s Real Estate Syndication Manual.

Professor Parker has served as a United States Delegation Member at UNESCO and at the United Nations Human Rights Commission. He has been a Consultant to the Vatican Justice and Peace Commission, a Visiting Professor at Johns Hopkins University, and an Associate Fellow at Yale University. He consulted to the Government of Bermuda on U.S. Base Closings.

Course Descriptions

Commercial Real Estate and the Current Environmental Crisis: Oil, Wind, Water and Air

The objective of this seminar is to provide commercial real estate decision makers with an up to date briefing on major environmental issues. The seminar will be successful if those attending afterwards are able to make comprehensive forward thinking decisions in their commercial real estate business transactions. Practical examples of current approaches to the many environmental challenges presented will be discussed. Strengths and weaknesses of a number of strategies will be analyzed.

Health Care Real Estate

The private real estate sector will be challenged to provide for hospital and medical development certain to occur under Obama care. This seminar will examine hospital real estate decision making: the selection of private sector developers and brokers and the regulatory role of government in supervising health care real estate construction and renovation in the future.

Commercial Real Estate Transactions with Non-Profit and Governmental Entities

Especially in light of the “Credit Crunch” and added Obama Administration regulations, governmental and non-profit entities will need to update and adapt to a radically changing business model – old practices often will no longer work. Commercial real estate practitioners and brokers must understand the stringent new demands being placed upon governmental and non-profit entities so that they can interact properly with these important sectors.

What Has Been Learned from the Credit Crisis?

Starting with “The Savings and Loan Crisis” and extending through the Internet Bubble and on to the subprime mortgage scandal followed by the current deep financial recession, circumstances, warning signs, mistakes and remedies tried will be examined in detail. Finally, what if anything has been learned this time around? Are we deemed to repeat our commercial real estate mistakes next time around?

In A World of Nonstop Disasters, Don’t Forget the Lessons of 9/11 And Katrina

Human nature being what it is, everyone has tried to minimize and forget the lessons of these horrifying cataclysms. It is imaginable there will be others as bad or worse in the future. How should real estate practitioners adopt “best practices” to prevent their happening or minimize their devastating effects, if they do take place?

Are There Any Ethical Real Estate Practitioners Left?

Every professional in real estate and finance should be shocked by the lack of ethics and due diligence displayed by many in the real estate and banking fields these days. The time has come to review traditional ethical practices and attempt to adapt them to the back breaking speed of modern business and commerce. The Madoff Ponzi Scheme and its cousins bear close scrutiny.

Download speaker information pdf(PDF: 296 KB)

TerraFirma: The Environment and Sustainability Course of Oversubscribed (PDF:508K)

Open Fences: Volume 2, Issue 2 (PDF:680K)
