NAR members have access to a wealth of information relating to the real estate industry from Now we are providing members with alternate resources to assist in their success. Various academic institutions and independent organizations around the U.S. have established research centers to study real estate-related issues and trends. These resources include state and local association library/research sources, as well as Internet sites. The following directory includes contact information for many of these research centers.

Do you know of a real estate research resource not listed here? Does your state or local board offer research/information materials for use by members? Let us know so that we may highlight it on this page.

National, State & Local Resources

California Association of REALTORS® (CAR)
525 South Virgil
Los Angeles, CA 90020
phone: (213) 739-8227
Includes current research regarding marketing trends in California, Price Reports, and much more.

Florida Association of REALTORS®
7025 Augusta National Drive
Orlando, FL 32822
phone: (407) 438-1400
Contains Florida existing home sales statistics.

Illinois Association of REALTORS®
522 South Fifth Street
Springfield, IL 62701
phone: (217) 529-2600
fax: (217) 529-3904
Contains Illinois housing statistics, including median prices, volume of home sales and quarterly and year-end charts.

Virginia Association of REALTORS®
Contact: Lisa G. Noon, ABC, CAE
Vice President Member Outreach
Virginia Association of REALTORS®
10231 Telegraph Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23059
phone: (804) 264-5033
Provides local statistics and prices, and a Survey of Virginia homebuyers and sellers.

University & College Research Centers

Please note that many public universities and colleges allow access to their collections for the public (non-students or faculty). There may be some restrictions on borrowing privileges, access to special collections or fees for copying or other services. Please contact the school for complete information.

Listed by State

California  / Connecticut  / District of Columbia / Florida / Illinois / Indiana / Kansas / Louisiana / Massachusetts / Minnesota / Montana / Nebraska / New York / Ohio / Pennsylvania / Texas / Utah / Virginia / Washington


The Gazarian Real Estate Center
California State University, Fresno
Craig School of Business
5245 N. Backer Avenue
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
phone: (559) 325-GREC (4732)
The Gazarian Real Estate Center is funded through the generous support of Dr. Arnold and Mrs. Dianne Gazarian.  The purpose of the Center is to promote communication and provide information on real estate markets and the Craig School of Business Real Estate program to the real estate  community; students and faculty of the Craig School of Business; and California State University, Fresno.

Lusk Center for Real Estate
University of Southern California
650 Childs Way, RGL 331
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0626
phone: (213) 740-5000
The USC Lusk Center for Real Estate seeks to advance real estate knowledge, inform business practice, and address timely issues that affect the real estate industry, the urban economy, and public policy.

Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
F602 Haas School of Business
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1900
phone: (510) 643-6105
FCREUE publishes research on non-residential real estate, housing markets and the internet and real estate.

UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate
110 Westwood Plaza
Gold Hall, Suite B100
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481
phone: (310) 206-9424
fax: (310) 267-5391
In its first 10 years, the Ziman Center has produced cutting-edge real estate and urban economic analyses, built dynamic student and alumni programs, instituted valuable and timely industry activities and provided meaningful public policy initiatives. Within such a relatively short period of time, the Center has become influential in the Los Angeles area, and also throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Real Estate Research Council
College of Business Administration
California State Polytechnic University
3801 West Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
phone: (909) 869-2410
The Real Estate Research Council is a non-profit organization for the development and distribution to members of factual information on conditions affecting housing, mortgage lending, construction and related aspects of real estate in Northern and Southern California.


The Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies
2100 Hillside Road, Unit 4041
Storrs, CT 06269-1041
phone: (860) 486-3227
The Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies is dedicated to cutting edge research and the training of skilled individuals for all segments of the industry. We provide numerous services to Connecticut’s real estate professionals and to the Department of Consumer Protection. Our activities embrace many disciplines including finance, statistics, economics and geography.

District of Columbia

Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship
George Mason University
School of Management
4400 University Drive, MS 1B1
Enterprise Hall
Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: (703) 993-1880
The Center of Real Estate Entrepreneurship advances real estate research and education at George Mason University.


Center for Real Estate Education & Research
The Center for Real Estate Education & Research
College of Business, The Florida State University
821 Academic Way, 223 RBB
P.O. Box 3061110
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110
phone: (850) 644-4071
The Center for Real Estate Education & Research (CREER) is established to enhance the teaching, research, and service mission of the Real Estate Program at Florida State University.

Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies
Warrington College of Business Administration
University of Florida
100 BRY
Gainesville, FL 32611
phone: (352) 273-0314
The Kelley A. Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies at the University of Florida has been cultivating the exchange of education and information among real estate researchers, academics, students and industry leaders for more than 30 years.


Office of Real Estate Research
University of Illinois
Office of Real Estate Research
140A Wohlers Hall
1206 S. Sixth St.
Champaign, IL 61820
phone: (217) 333-2278
The Office of Real Estate Research, which was created in 1980, has three primary functions. First, it encourages research by UIUC faculty on issues related to real estate. Second, it provides copies of previous papers from its paper series and of the Illinois Real Estate Letter through its final issue of the spring/summer 2002. Third, it promotes the ongoing development of real estate education at UIUC.

Guthrie Center for Real Estate Research
Northwestern University
Kellogg School of Management
Evanston, IL 60208
phone: (847) 491-3564
The Guthrie Center is involved in "research projects that involve real estate markets, public and private finance, project management and the development process."

Richard J. Rosenthal Center For Real Estate Studies
REALTOR® University
430 N. Michigan Avenue, 6th Floor
Chicago IL 60611
phone: (855)-786-6546
The Richard J. Rosenthal Center for Real Estate Studies was created to provide practical, hands-on data and analysis relevant to the real estate trends and policy issues you care about. Based in Chicago, Illinois, the Center for Real Estate Studies serves as both a think tank and a research laboratory, targeting real estate research toward REALTORS®, policy makers, legislators, and the general public.


Benecki Center for Real Estate Studies
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
1309 East Tenth Street, Ste. 746
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
phone: (812) 855-7794
The Indiana University School of Business (now the Kelley School) established the Center for Real Estate Studies (CRES) in 1985 to provide support for a variety of research and educational activities. Under Director Doug McCoy the Center strives to provide top-quality educational opportunities that are relevant and integrative of different functional areas and to increase professionalism in the industry by disseminating current information.


Center for Real Estate
Wichita State University
Barton School of Business
1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260-0077
phone: (316) 978-7120
At the Center for Real Estate, we strive to be the premier source of data and analysis for the local and regional real estate markets.  Whether you are interested in residential or commercial real estate, the Center for Real Estate's database of information - based on original research and data compiled from a variety of published sources - provides a high level of information and insight into the Wichita-area market.


Real Estate Research Institute
E.J. Ourso College of Business
Business Education Complex, Room 2602
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
voice: (225) 578-6291
We study trends in the Louisiana real estate market for the benefit of growth and development throughout the state. Established in part with funds from the Louisiana Real Estate Commission in 1985, various private sources and grants have provided continued funding for the institute.The institute partners with the Baton Rouge Association of Realtors to host the annual TRENDS in Baton Rouge Real Estate seminar, which was established as a means of professional outreach and typically has 300-500 attendees.

Institute for Economic Development & Real Estate Research
413 Kirschman Hall
2000 Lakeshore Drive
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70148
phone: (504) 280-1408
The Real Estate Research Center was established to serve the real estate community and the general public. The three main areas of services offered by the Center are professional real estate education, primary real estate market data and contract research.


The Real Estate Academic Initiative
Harvard University
48 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
phone: (617) 496-2145
Our mission is to contribute to the quality of urban development in the U.S. and internationally through multi-disciplinary research and education in real estate and urban development.

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
113 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-3400
phone: (800) 526-3873
The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is a leading resource for key issues concerning the use, regulation, and taxation of land. Providing high-quality education and research, the Institute strives to improve public dialogue and decisions about land policy.

MIT Center for Real Estate
MIT Center for Real Estate
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Bldg. 9-343
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
phone: (617) 253-4373
Our pioneering research investigates the real estate transaction from initial concept to market reality, providing breakthrough knowledge to help organizations capitalize on today’s dynamic markets and technologies.


Shenehon Center for Real Estate
University of St. Thomas
Schultze Hall 400
1000 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403
phone: (651) 962-4263
The Shenehon Center for Real Estate provides research and develops programs impacting the real estate industry. It also serves as an academic voice involved in local, national and international real estate industry organizations.


Center for Applied Economic Research
Montana State University-Billings
College of Business
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
phone: (406) 657-2011
The Center for Applied Economic Research provides real estate research services through partnership agreements, collaborative studies, and customized contracts.


UNO Real Estate Research
University of Nebraska Omaha
College of Business Administration
Roskens Hall 515 D
University of Nebraska-Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0048
phone: (402) 554-2810
UNO Real Estate Research specializes in GIS technologies, analyzing real estate spatially and focuses on commercial, residential and rural real estate issues.

New York

Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy
New York University
139 MacDougal Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10012
phone: (212) 998-6713
fax: (212) 995-4313
The NYU Furman Center advances research and debate on housing, neighborhoods, and urban policy.

Center for Real Estate Finance Research
NYU Stern School of Business
Henry Kaufman Management Center
44 West 4th Street, Suite 9-153
New York, NY 10012
phone: (212) 998-6840
The Center for Real Estate Finance Research at NYU Stern aims to foster thought leadership in real estate finance, to support the teaching mission of the school to produce future leaders in the real estate industry, and to promote dialogue with our alumni and industry leaders in the field.

The Steven L. Newman Real Estate Institute
Baruch College
137 East 22nd St.
New York, NY 10010
phone: (646) 660-6950
Within our ever-changing and challenging business environment, the Newman Real Estate Institute, housed within the Zicklin School of Business and Baruch College at CUNY, provides applied research, professional and continuing education and conferences to the real estate industry, as well as organizations focused on public policy.

Center for Real Estate Finance
Cornell University
537 Statler Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-6902
phone: (607) 255-6025
Building on a long-standing tradition of quality research in the hospitality industry, growth of the CREF faculty places the School of Hotel Administration at the forefront of research in all areas of commercial real estate, from the study of the behavior of real estate assets in investment portfolios to an understanding of real estate capital markets to the science of hedging real estate risk. CREF faculty serve as editors and editorial board members of the most prestigious journals in the field and publish regularly in the real estate and finance press.

The Wilbur F. Breslin Center for Real Estate Studies
Hofstra University
Hofstra University
250 Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11549
phone: (516) 463-4069
The Wilbur F. Breslin Center for Real Estate Studies at Hofstra University is an interdisciplinary center for the study of real estate that brings together the expertise of Hofstra's Frank G. Zarb School of Business and the School of Law, as well as the Institute of Real Estate at Hofstra University. The center will provide real estate professionals, municipal officials, developers and the public with information, education and scholarly analysis about the complex issues important in the real estate field.


Paul J. Everson Center for the Study of Real Estate
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
phone: (216) 687-2000
The Center's mission is to serve as the leading resource for the Cleveland area real estate professionals and students in ways to enhance their knowledge, competence, and career opportunities in real estate and brokerage services. The Center strives to achieve these objectives through academic preparation, certificate programs, seminars, continuing education and other support activities.


Institute for Real Estate Studies
Smeal College of Business
Pennsylvania State University
409 Business Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-3004
phone: (814) 865-4172
The Institute publishes working papers and articles on such areas as private property, land values and buyer brokerage.

The Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center at Wharton School
Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania
Ste. 1400, Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6302
phone: (215) 898-9687
The Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania provides thought leadership to the real estate community through support of cutting-edge research for current and future business leaders and policy makers, the facilitation of a partnership between industry professionals and our faculty and students, and the training of the future leadership of the real estate industry.


The Keller Center for Research
Baylor University
Waco, TX 76798 
The Keller Center for Research at Baylor University is a trusted source for leading-edge, academic research positioned for the real estate industry.

Real Estate Center
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University
2115 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
phone: (979) 845-2031

Real Estate Center
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University
2115 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
phone: (979) 845-2031
The Center's staff conducts research on financial, socioeconomic, public policy, trade, legal, land use and local market analysis issues related to real estate.


Ivory-Boyer Real Estate Center
University of Utah
Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, Room 8159
1655 E. Campus Center Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
phone: (801)-587-8533
The mission of the Ivory-Boyer Real Estate Center is to provide unsurpassed real estate industry education and research.


Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship
George Mason University
School of Management
4400 University Drive, MS 1B1
Enterprise Hall
Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: (703) 993-1880
The Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship at George Mason University strives to advance real estate research and education in real estate development and finance. Working in partnership with leading real estate developers, professionals, and organizations in the Washington, D.C. area, the center develops relevant content for the business and academic communities.

E.V. Williams Center for Real Estate & Economic Development
Old Dominion University
2097 Constant Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529
phone: (757) 683-5352
The mission of the E.V. Williams Center for Real Estate & Economic Development is to provide information and resources for the Hampton Roads real estate and economic development communities in their quest to improve the regional economy through job creation and investment. The Center fosters relationships with the development community by hosting topical seminars on key development issues affecting the region and works closely with all related professional service organizations.


Washington Center for Real Estate Research
University of Washington
424 Gould Hall, Box 355740
Seattle, WA 98195-5740
phone: (206) 616-5335
The purpose of a real estate research center in Washington state is to provide credible research, value-added information, education services and project-oriented research to real estate licensees, real estate consumers, real estate service providers, institutional customers, public agencies, and communities in Washington state and the Pacific Northwest region.