Expand your knowledge globally.

The CIPS course curriculum offers you hands-on experience with international real estate transactions, as well as five full days of study focusing on the critical aspects of transnational transactions, including:

  • Currency and exchange rate issues
  • Cross-cultural relationships
  • Regional market conditions
  • Investment performance
  • Tax issues
  • And more!

To be eligible for the CIPS Designation, you must complete 5 courses as outlined below. The designation application must be submitted within 3 years of beginning your courses. Any courses completed more than 3 years prior to the submission of your application must be retaken to receive credit towards the education requirement of the designation.

CIPS Core Courses

CIPS Electives: Regional Courses

Or, you can substitute ONE of the courses below for ONE of the electives above:

Have questions?

E-mail cips@nar.realtor
