Logo: CIPS Excellence Award

The CIPS Excellence Award is an opportunity to recognize the distinguished service, engagement, and professionalism a CIPS designee has demonstrated while serving clients with international needs and enhancing the global professionalism of others.


To be considered for the CIPS Excellence Award, nominees should exemplify the following:

  • Possess exceptional global knowledge, engagement, and representation skills based on training, competency, and experience.
  • Demonstrate that they are a trusted source of knowledge and have experience in providing services for global clients.
  • Active participation in CIPS designation activities, global councils or forums, other globally focused professional associations, and international organizations.
  • Nominees must be current CIPS designees and members of NAR in good standing.

Nomination Process

  • To submit your CIPS Excellence Award nomination, simply fill out the nomination form.
  • Self-nominations are accepted and welcome.
  • All nominations must be received by August 30, 2024.

Candidates for the CIPS Excellence Award are first nominated by CIPS designees and then selected by an independent panel of real estate industry leaders once a year, and will be acknowledged during the CIPS Designee Celebration at NAR NXT. All active CIPS designees, U.S. and International, (including association staff), and certified CIPS instructors are eligible, and you can nominate a colleague or yourself.

The nomination form will ask for a summary of activities, achievements, participation in CIPS designation programs and events, and general contributions to global real estate undertaken by the nominee that qualifies them for the CIPS Excellence Award.


Each award recipient will be:

  • Showcased in the Global Perspective, the CIPS quarterly newsletter
  • Presented with their customized award CIPS Designee Celebration at NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience in November
  • Presented with their CIPS Excellence Award at the ABR®, GREEN, and SRES® Networking and Awards Reception at NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience
  • Included in a topic-specific press release regarding the national recognition
  • Considered for association or media requests for global practitioners
  • Receiving peer recognition
  • Given CIPS.realtor website prominence

Questions? Email cips@nar.realtor.