People who think of the National Association of REALTORS® as “primarily residential” are surprised to learn that our membership includes one of the nation’s largest groups of commercial real estate pros. At C5 Summit in New York City last August, I was impressed by the strong community of commercial practitioners who are “Riding with the Brand.” That’s our theme for 2023. It speaks to the Old West tradition of a cowboy signing on with a ranch and committing to the mission of the ranch owner. REALTORS® are riding with the brand because we are the brand; the commitment to protect it comes from us.
Our profession is stronger when we’re united. Our advocacy on commercial issues, from preserving the 1031 exchange to ending the COVID-19 eviction moratorium, benefits our profession and consumers. Please join us for the next C5 Summit later this year. And come to one of our Riding with the Brand events to see just how powerful it is when we ride together with the REALTOR® brand.