Dan Wagner

Commercial Liason

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

As someone whose job it is to represent commercial real estate interests, I think it’s important to help create a greater awareness of the issues facing this vital part of the industry. Serving as a resource to explain and promote sound commercial policy such as the 1031 Exchange could provide benefits for the industry as a whole.

What’s your favorite activity/hobby when you aren’t working?

Being a Dad! My wife and I are very blessed to have Irish Quadruplets. Triplets that are 14 and a 13 year old. There is not a greater joy in the whole world!

Lori Burger, CPM

Chair, Commercial Committee

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

There is a gap between the benefits NAR offers and what commercial members perceive as the value received. I would like to work toward the elimination of that gap.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

4 wheel drive enthusiast, mud, rock, sand and snow!

Tray Bates, CCIM, CIPS, SIOR

Vice Chair, Commercial Committee

What inspires you about this industry?

What is inspiring about Commercial Real Estate is the caliber of people I meet, especially the people who volunteer to serve on NAR Commercial Committees. I always return home with great ideas and excitement to push myself even harder.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

My favorite activity when not working is Scouting. I serve as the Cubmaster for Pack 11 and Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 11 in Corpus Christi.

Lou Nimkoff, CCIM, CPM

Chair, Commercial Legislation & Regulatory Advisory Board

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

To raise awareness of the high priority that NAR puts on commercial issues and that it’s a two-way street, which means that we need to show the love by investing in RPAC.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

I love to scuba dive, and now everyone in my family is certified, which makes it all the better.

Michael Schoonover, GREEN, SFR

Vice Chair, Commercial Legislation & Regulatory Advisory Board

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

To support our Leadership team and be a strong voice on REALTOR® issues, both in Congress and many times more importantly with the regulatory agencies. I hope to champion the REALTOR® position.

What inspires you about this industry?

Every day I get to work as a coach and mentor to many new and experienced agents as they expand their knowledge and expertise in our profession. I also get excited every time I attend a meeting or convention as I get to rub elbows with the “best of the best”.

Kay Michael Alexander, GRI

Chair, Commercial Real Estate Research Advisory Board

What inspires you about this industry?

The impact that we have on our communities to facilitate growth and improvements.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Riding my Harley with friends around the mountains of West Virginia.

Mike Vachani, ABR, CIPS

Vice Chair, Commercial Real Estate Research Advisory Board

What inspires you about this industry?

I love real estate and have loved it my whole life. As a kid, I watched my dad run his residential real estate firm and was encouraged by the way he made his client’s dream come true. I love how a REALTOR® is in the middle of everything and finds solutions, volunteering time and helping the community. This motivates me and I seek to inspire those around me.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

My favorite part of the day is spending time with my kids or encouraging other kids. When I am not working, I am coaching soccer and volunteering at my kids school. Bottom line, my activities outside of work revolve around my kids and their activities — and I would not have it any other way!


Chair, Commercial Leadership Forum

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

To expand the informational quality and reach of relevant topics to our commercial practitioners throughout NAR. To stress the importance of member participation in the legislative process through RPAC and additional commercial FPC’s

What inspires you about this industry?

The importance of this industry in the creation and ongoing stability for a healthy and prosperous community.

Linda St. Peter, CCIM, AHWD

Vice Chair, Commercial Leadership Forum

What inspires you about this industry?

When business thrives within any community the rest of the community is vibrant. I feel nearly parental pride some 30 years later as I drive by a thriving business commerce park, which was one of my first projects when I got into the business. It started with a bunch of dirt, and now it is a beehive of activity. I drive by and I think – I did that!

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Music and the arts is a big one. I love to travel and when travel is paired with amazing fresh local food experiences, that is even better.

Cynthia Shelton, CCIM, CRE

Chair, Commercial Economic Issues & Trends Forum

What inspires you about this industry?

The ability to be a professional and help others build net worth, while using some of the information to help build my net worth.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Believe it or not, it’s not only being with my family but teaching & mentoring others in our industry. I also like snow skiing even being from Florida!

O. Randall Woodbury, CPM

Vice Chair, Commercial Economic Issues & Trends Forum

What is your NAR leadership goal in your role this year?

The business of real estate is entrepreneurial at its core and REALTORS® in commercial real estate commit to playing higher stakes than their residential counterparts. Creativity, perseverance and integrity are rewarded both financially and with the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your work in the improvement of communities.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Sports cars and playing guitar.

Dawn Carpenter, CPM

Chair, Property Management Forum

What inspires you about this industry??

Being able to use my skills as a CPM to assist the consumer.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Golf and Travel.

Paul Dizmang, CRS, GRI

Vice Chair, Property Management Forum

What inspires you about this industry??


What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Boating, 4 Wheeling, and Smokin’ Meat.

Dan Sight, CCIM, SIOR

Chair, Large Commercial Management Forum

What inspires you about this industry??

I am a huge believer in the ownership of commercial real estate, and the wealth creation vehicle it can be for investors of all sizes.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Travel, cooking, wine, and in the summer, cabana boy.

Angela West, CCIM, SIOR

Vice Chair, Large Commercial Firms Advisory Group

What inspires you about this industry??

Real Estate is the fundamental element in almost every industry in every nation.

What's your favorite activity/hobby when you aren't working?

Road biking.