RPR® Now Available to Institute Affiliate Members

To ensure all NAR members have access to property data and tools after the recent disruption in the industry, the National Association of REALTORS® is extending FREE access to the Realtors Property Resource®(RPR®) platform to members with an Institute Affiliate* membership through 2018.

*Members with REALTOR® status already have access to this exclusive NAR member benefit.

Register for the REALTORS® Legislative Conference & Trade Expo

Take an active role to advance the commercial real estate industry, public policy, and your association. Travel to Washington, D.C., for special issues forums, committee meetings, legislative activities, a networking reception, and the industry trade show. Register and search for commercial programming at: www.nar.realtor/midyear

Bring Your Perspective to 2019 Committees

Serving on a committee is a great way to make your concerns heard. You can completer your application and submit your endorsements online beginning in April. Once your materials are received, your information is compiled into reports to be used by NAR Officers in the NAR committee selection process. If you have any questions, please email vholmen@realtors.org or call Victoria Holmen at (312) 329-8414.


Make NAR’s Booth Your “Home Base in Vegas”

Will you be meeting with clients at ICSC RECon this May? Schedule as many 30-minute sessions as you need on a first-come-first-served basis by e-mailing membersupport@realtors.org with your request. Be sure to visit the booth for personalized property data resource demos and complimentary refreshments.
