I wonder….what would our founding fathers, the original two-party politicians - federalists and anti-federalists, think about this year's election? Among other things, I imagine, for a lot of reasons, they'd be taken aback by the vast array of political advertisements that bombard us every time we turn on the television, check our e-mail, read the newspaper, or listen to the radio. What would the Continental Congresses have been like had there been 24hour live broadcasts, or if Alexander Hamilton and Samuel Adams provided ongoing tweet updates?

In this day and age, when it comes to politics, it is easy to get overwhelmed or disenchanted. Especially, when it's coming at us from every direction, nonstop, and sometimes feels more like a reality television show. But we must stay focused. We need to look beyond the political machinations as there is a lot at stake. And it goes beyond just concentrating on the federal elections. Decisions made by state and local leaders can greatly influence our livelihood. Think about how many times local governments have turned to real estate when looking for ways to shore up their budgets. Just look at the number of times transfer taxes and development fees come up as proposed ways to boost government revenue.

As REALTORS®, commercial and residential alike, we must come together, combine our voices, and be heard. We must seek out and support REALTOR® champions, candidates who understand the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities. There are a number of issues we will be watching closely throughout the year - some that could have significant influence on the commercial market. For one thing, we've got to keep our eye on tax reform discussions. We must continue to protect incentives like the 1031 like-kind exchanges and MID. While there is no formal legislation yet, the REALTOR® Party has to be vigilant. After all, tax reform is not just about preserving one element of tax policy. It is about maintaining numerous tax policies that support property ownership and investment. We must ensure that the tax code continues to reflect the values that make our communities strong and our country exceptional.

Among other issues of precedence, NAR will continue to monitor lease accounting standards, marketplace fairness, and marketplace lending. Additionally, we will continue to push for technologies like drones to be made available to REALTORS® as part of a responsible business practice.

REALTOR® Party leadership and staff are working tirelessly on your behalf – the Association's professional lobbyists are second to none. However, we cannot rely on staff alone. We need the backing and involvement of our grassroots. To ensure that issues important to REALTORS® stay first and foremost in the minds of legislators, we must work together! When NAR announces a Call for Action, hear it as our rally cry – we need you to act. Additionally, while a third of NAR's 1.1 million members invest in RPAC, I know we can do better.

Local and state associations, throughout the United States, are hosting REALTOR® Party Phone Banks in a coordinated, member-to-member, outreach effort aimed at increasing member engagement and RPAC participation. No member should be able to say, "I've never heard of RPAC", "I was never asked to invest", or "I didn't know why it was important". When NAR calls, I hope you'll answer. I need your help. Together we can be great!!