1. Custom Trade Area Reports

  • We started the year with some subtle tweaks to the labeling of the custom areas. But we ended it with a bang, making huge improvements by giving you the opportunity to create reports that show trade area data for a 3, 5, and 10 minute drive time, and a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius around your subject property.

2. Next Level Analysis for Multifamily

  • The largest improvement the team at Valuate® made was expanding the capabilities when doing a multifamily analysis. With one giant release, users are now able to provide unit-by-unit rent roll detail for apartment properties, and analyze the renovation of units and raising of rents, along with a refinancing analysis after the property's rents are restabilized at the higher rates.

3. Traffic Counts in Reports

  • In the past, traffic flow around a property was strictly a feature within the RPR maps. Now you can print a property or trade area report, and like magic, the nearest counts appear beautifully within your presentation.

RPR By the Numbers

  • 43 Million off Market Properties
  • 8.5 Million Tenants
  • 646,000 Active Listings
  • 117,000 Lease Opportunities
  • 20 Million Existing Businesses
  • 4 Million Traffic Counts
  • 1 Billion ESRI Demographic and Economic Data Points