In our industry, thinking ahead is crucial. Not only as individuals, but as an organization. We are constantly bombarded with messages of change and disruption: new technology, new ways of marketing, and new avenues of communication. There is constant pressure to learn the latest technique, strategy, or tool.

As a community of real estate professionals, we have set a high bar for professional conduct and expertise. Your experience as a commercial real estate practitioner and involvement as a member of NAR sets you apart. The challenge for us today is to adapt and grow with the changes in our industry, while retaining our core ethics and values to serve our clients and each other tomorrow. Together, we can achieve this.

NAR is also reaching out to build relationships with the largest commercial real estate firms, to identify new ways we can collaborate to strengthen our industry. This past August, some of NAR’s Leadership team and staff met with high-ranking executives from those firms as part of our first Large Commercial Advisory Group. NAR will continue to focus our efforts in supporting you, our commercial real estate practitioners in every way possible. We’ll pursue positions on legislative and regulatory issues that benefit the ability to conduct commercial real estate transactions. These positions also help grow small business, strengthen the economy, and develop communities.

Your voice matters, and I urge you to participate in future Calls for Action. Take a moment today to download the REALTOR® Action Center app for your mobile device. Help us protect the future of real estate. Thank you for being a member of NAR, for your investment in strengthening the professionalism of the real estate industry, and your support of property owners everywhere.