The 2015 NAR REach® Class has launched and this year’s class features eight companies selected for the potential benefit their products bring to NAR members and the impact they can have on the real estate industry. Several of the companies have products that focus on helping commercial practitioners and property managers. Here’s a look at the companies that can enhance our value with clients, help you be more efficient in business and increase your bottom line.


AssetAvenue is an online peer-to-peer lending platform for commercial real estate loans, providing borrowers and brokers quick and reliable access to competitively priced loans, while offering accredited and institutional investors the potential to earn attractive returns. AssetAvenue is better than a bank. Their easy to use and fast service makes funding your next client’s loan painless by providing flexible financing options and funding in as little as ten days.

Loop & Tie

Loop & Tie provides a platform for agents and brokers to send thoughtful gifts for customer engagement, allowing recipients to pick from a collection of artisanal products. Sending a gift is as easy as entering an email address and selecting a price range. Your customers receive a branded invitation but never see the prices of the gifts in the selection. You save time by not having to pick an individual gift, and gain insight by tracking the relationship online.


TermScout helps commercial real estate professionals and enterprise sales teams increase revenue by providing accurate, timely and actionable sales intelligence within your market. Termscout’s tool provides daily information on prospect events in your specific market with get decision-maker contact information. Their cloud-based software allows you to focus on building relationships and negotiating deals, rather than researching vast quantities of data.


NotaryCam offers the only online eClosing solution built upon its unique online notary platform, so closing real estate deals becomes faster, more secure, and more convenient than ever before. NotaryCam leverages a unique combination of video and a proprietary identification process and has provided thousands of notarizations in all 50 states and in 60 countries.


August is an award-winning technology company developing beautiful and functional products for the smart home. The August Smart Lock makes it simple for listing agents to arrange access for housecleaners, stagers, repairs, etc. using smartphones for time-limited access. Property Managers can authorize employees to manage multiple keys and never need to be concerned about lost keys or late night access.

The Guard Llama

The Guard Llama is your wireless personal security and protection device system that alerts police through the push of a button. In the event of an emergency, the remote discreetly activates the Guard Llama mobile app sending your location, elevation and your personal profile instantly to our 24-hour emergency response team and the police. When taking out your phone to call 911 is not an option, Guard Llama turns your phone back into the lifeline it can be.


BoostUp is a down payment savings platform that helps consumers save for their next home purchase. Real estate partners engage with future home buyers early in the shopping process and help them reach their down payment goal with a savings reward. made it their mission to simplify home services—especially the up-front research before a project even starts. Eliminate the time and effort of figuring out how much a project will cost, finding home services professionals with the right qualifications and work ethic, and dealing with the hassle of scheduling to get the work done.