Carl Carter, Jr
Carl Carter, Jr

Featured speaker Carl Carter Jr. discussed REALTOR® safety during the Property Management Forum, telling the story of his mother Beverly, who was tragically murdered. Carter Jr.’s presentation serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of property managers remaining vigilant about personal safety practices in the daily course of onsite business.

Carter Jr. brought to light several common safety errors made by property managers before sharing information about The Beverly Carter Foundation (, created to ensure that education on better safety practices is more widely available.

The meeting closed with the introduction of Deb Newell as Chair and Angie Tallant as Vice Chair for 2018.

“Carl brought the reality of what we as agents and property managers face every day viewing, inspecting, and showing vacant properties. We typically do not stop to think about what could happen. I could hear a pin drop as he described the step-by-step details of the horrific tragedy that befell his family. His poignant message was direct, real, and made all of us realize that we must pay very close attention to everything we do.” –Paul Dizmang, CRS, GRI

Carl Carter Jr.’s Key Safety Tips for Property Managers:

1. Never visit a vacant property alone.

2. Allow the client to enter rooms first.

3. Communicate where you will be and how long you will be there.

4. Take advantage of existing software to run background checks on unfamiliar tenants.
