As a commercial real estate agent, there are a plethora of resources available to help you build your business. So many in fact, it can be hard to sift through and easy to miss the diamonds in the dirt. Here’s a look how connecting with REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI) can lead to digging up new clients and work.

Who is RLI?
Simply put, REALTORS® Land Institute is one of the oldest affiliates of the National Association of REALTORS®; after all, land is under all. However, just because land is under all doesn’t mean that the complexity of the transactions should be overlooked. In fact, as a commercial real estate professional, having the expertise, resources, and connections needed to succeed in the land arena can seem overwhelming. Quite often, those who are not conducting transactions that involve land on a regular basis don’t realize how many different facets of the industry they need to be knowledgeable about before diving in to assist a client. RLI provides the education, tools, advice and networking opportunities that are the foundation for all real estate professionals to excel at transactions that involve land, assisting their clients more confidently, and taking on new clients. Education for all.

Through the esteemed LAND UNIVERSITY (LANDU)
Education Program, RLI offers courses that all commercial professionals could benefit from taking, as well as niche courses for those looking to gain expertise in a specific area. Some of the best courses to start with include: Land 101: Fundamentals of Land Brokerage; Mastering Real Estate Negotiation Skills; Google Earth Mapping for Real Estate; Intro to Land Valuation; Real Estate Mapping Technologies & Techniques; Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Professionals; Strategic Planning for Your Real Estate Business; and Transitional Land Real Estate.

RLI Membership Benefits
From being able to post and search listings free on RLI’s Land Connections listing site to emailing out property listings to a national network of over 1,200 agents and brokers, the property marketing opportunities are abundant. In addition, members save $150 on each LANDU course, get a discount on attending the annual National Land Conference, a complimentary subscription to the Terra Firma magazine, and more.

The ALC Designation
To become an Accredited Land Consultant, one of the most elite designations held by professionals involved in land real estate, one must complete 104 hours of LANDU curriculum, meet strict volume requirements, and have a proven track record of success. If you currently have a your CCIM, SIOR or CRE designation, you can “fast track” to your ALC, which cuts the education requirement down to 56 course hours.

For more information about all you can learn from REALTORS® Land Institute, visit