By Lynn Ettinger

The coronavirus pandemic has made the job of real estate manager more important and more challenging. The Institute of Real Estate Management is providing up-to-date information to navigate changing conditions:

  • From the Front Lines: Short podcast-style episodes, usually 10 to 15 minutes long, are published twice weekly and cover topics such as senior housing, small business relief, maintaining productivity, and commercial cleaning and hygiene.
  • Free on-demand courses: A number of on-demand courses are available to the public on trending topics useful to property managers. Courses are rotated and available on a two-week basis. Recently available offerings have addressed forming a virtual team, leading a virtual team, and complying with legal issues related to multifamily marketing and leasing.
  • Pandemic Guide for Real Estate Managers: The “Pandemic Guide for Real Estate Managers” will help property managers prepare for pandemics and protect tenants and residents. Sections cover planning, infection control, operations, legal considerations, and communications. A checklist and resource list are also included.
  • Advocacy and other resources: Property managers can learn about advocacy actions taken in support of the industry. Also available are links to webinar recordings and info about federal COVID-19 relief initiatives.

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