1. Get organized: Make sure you have all of the relevant personal, property, and business (if applicable) financial statements and tax filings prepared and ready to submit beforehand.
  2. Shop your deal: There are thousands of bank and non-bank mortgage lenders in the marketplace; don’t limit yourself too early. The more options you explore, the more offers you’ll get.
  3. Save time and paper: Choose lenders that value your time by providing online loan pre-qualification tools and applications that enable you to streamline, and/or, eliminate paperwork.
  4. Fit matters: Consider the duration of the loan term, other origination and servicing fees, guarantee requirements, post-closing liquidity standards, annual compliance/reporting policies, and more.
  5. Always be closing: Once conditionally approved, a lot of paperwork and property level due diligence still needs to happen. Manage this process and stay in close touch with the lender, so you don't run the risk of missing your preferred closing timeline.

FundWell is a loan matching platform with over 300+ bank and alternative lenders that has reached more than 24,000 businesses and commercial real estate investors, achieving a 75% loan approval rate (compared to the industry standard 30% approval rate). Learn more at Fundwellre.com.