1. Pursue Education

  • Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate (CCIM)
  • Commercial Real Estate Negotiations (CCIM)
  • Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate (CCIM)
  • Communicating Across Cultures (IREM)
  • International Aspects of Real Estate (RLI)
  • Certified International Property Specialist (NAR)
  • Courses include Local Markets, Business Tools as well as regional courses on Europe, Asia/Pacific and The Americas
  • At Home with Diversity (NAR)

2. Tap Into International Chapters, Alliances & Organizations

  • 84 NAR Global Alliances with real estate associations around the world
  • 24 international chapters through NAR’s commercial affiliate organizations:
    • 6 CCIM Chapters
    • 14 IREM Chapters
    • 4 SIOR Chapters
  • Thousands of economic development organizations (chambers of commerce, industry groups, community development).
  • SelectUSA.gov is an excellent resource

3. Put NAR's Reports & Research To Use

  • State-by-state international business reports
  • Dozens of field guides on international, commercial real estate & investment
  • Quarterly reports on a variety of topics including lending and local market outlooks

4. Attend Events

  • Local: attend mixers and networking events occurring in your local market area
  • National: REALTORS® Conference & Expo, CCIM Live, SIOR Fall World Conference, IREM Fall Leadership Conference, ICSC REcon, RLI Land Conference
  • International: consider Expo REAL or MIPIM

5. Access Tools To Help You Bridge Gaps

  • Hire experts to gain exposure to new cultures (translators, country managers, local guides)
  • Take your business applications mobile & to the cloud: start using smarter communication & organizational applications