1. Advocacy

“If you extend Tax Reform into the Q1 of 2018, I think the chance of passage could go up to 70% or more. It’s still very much up in the air. If it passes, most of the tax cut provisions and the tax repeal provisions kick in next year.” –Evan Liddiard, NAR Senior Policy Representative.

2. Technology

RPR® has added a 7.5 million commercial tenant data set, allowing REALTORS® working the commercial leasing side a greater set of tools in select markets.

3. Research

Lawrence Yun, NAR Chief Economist, predicts 2.7% GDP growth, 2.4 million jobs added, and CPI inflation at 2.5% for 2018.

4. Networking

“Go outside your comfort zone if you want to network more effectively. I used to be embarrassed of my accent. Then I realized people remembered me for my accent.” –Jimena Sayavedra, commercial broker at Paine/Wetzel TCN Worldwide, speaking on the “Groundbreaking Women in Commercial Real Estate” panel.

5. Education

The Commercial Real Estate ALERT report continues to be a hot topic among REALTORS®. Commissioned by NAR and compiled by the Swanepoel T3 research group, this evergreen resource informed multiple governance sessions and provided members with concrete takeaways. www.nar.realtor/presentations/commercial-real-estate-alert-visual-story