(a) Any notice required to be given or paper required to be served or filed may be personally handed to the party to be notified, sent by first class mail addressed to the party’s last known mailing address, or sent to the party by email. When possible, email is the preferred form of service for notices and documents pursuant the procedures specified in this Manual. Any notice required to be given or paper required to be served or filed shall be deemed given, served, or filed when handed to the party, mailed to the party, or sent to the party by email, unless otherwise specified in this Manual. Notices sent by email shall include the association’s request that delivery be acknowledged by the intended recipient within twenty-four (24) hours by return email. If receipt of the notice has not been acknowledged by the intended recipient within twenty-four (24) hours, the recipient will be contacted by telephone to confirm receipt and the recipient’s confirmation will be noted in the file. If receipt of notices sent by email cannot be confirmed, the notices will be resent via first class mail. (Revised 11/14)

(b) Notice of hearing shall include the names of the members of the tribunal and be given not less than twenty-one (21) days beforehand. Twenty-one (21) days’ notice is not required for postponed hearings (scheduled but extension granted before hearing commences) or for hearings that have commenced and been adjourned (recessed). (Revised 11/14)