The parties to ethics and arbitration hearings are primarily responsible for production of witnesses and evidence they intend to present to the Hearing Panel. If a member, when called as a witness, refuses or is unable to appear at a scheduled hearing, the witness’s failure to appear can be the basis for a charge that Article 14 has been violated if it can be shown that the witness had information or evidence relevant to the issue or issues before the Hearing Panel and that there were no extenuating circumstances that would have made the witness’s appearance unduly burdensome. Questions regarding a member’s obligation to appear as a witness, including questions of relevancy, shall be determined by the Chair of the Hearing Panel either before the hearing commences, if possible, or at the time of the hearing. If a question of whether a witness is required to appear is raised at a hearing and the Chair rules that the witness must appear, the party seeking to compel the appearance of the witness may request that the hearing be recessed until such time as the witness can be advised of the witness’s obligation to appear, and the hearing shall be rescheduled. The burden of demonstrating the relevance of the testimony or evidence rests with the party seeking to compel the witness’s appearance. (Revised 11/93)

If, after being so advised, a witness refuses to appear, the Chair may, at its discretion, bring a charge against the witness for failure to comply with Article 14. (Revised 11/93)