Recent flooding, wildfire, and sea-level rise events have many Americans fearing natural disasters. Climate change has made the chances of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, rain and droughts, more frequent and severe. As a result of these changes, unprepared properties and communities are losing value. As such, homeowners are concerned that climate change could influence their housing preferences, like increasing flood insurance rates for at-risk properties.
Because of the possibility of these dramatic impacts on consumers, real estate and Realtors, NAR is leading by example and strengthening its support of sustainability efforts and increasing engagement on policies and programs that prioritize viability, resiliency and adaptability. But climate change isn’t the only factor for people deciding where to live. Affordability will also loom large as the biggest constraint, and more affordable housing that is resilient to climate change or is located in areas naturally resilient to climate change will need to be built.
Energy Efficiency
To help advance an economically prosperous and environmentally sustainable future, NAR supports all forms of energy generation, including voluntary, performance-based incentives to save energy, while minimizing their environmental impacts. NAR also supports educating real estate professionals, real estate owners, developers, managers, tenants, occupants, lenders and investors regarding the benefits of voluntary, market-based energy conservation practices.
The National Association of REALTORS® is committed to the principles of sustainability, energy conservation and the safe extraction of domestic energy supplies.