Cover of the Buyer Bios: Profiles of Recent Home Buyers and Sellers report

This report contains information from the 2018 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers about specific buyer and seller demographic types:

  • Demographic Changes
  • Married with Kids
  • Single Females
  • Single Males
  • Unmarried Couples
  • First-time Buyers
  • Repeat Buyers
  • Buyers of Multi-Generational Housing
  • Buyers of Senior Housing
  • Buyers with Student Loan Debt
  • Buyer, Self, or Spouse are Active in the Armed Forces or Veteran
  • Gay/Lesbian or Bisexual
  • Buyers Who Were Rejected by a Mortgage Lender
  • Buyers Who Frequently Used the Internet to Search for Their Home
  • Buyers of New Homes
  • Buyers of Previously Owned Homes
  • Buyers’ Neighborhood Choice Was Because of Pet
  • Black/African-American
  • Asian/Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic/Latino/Mexican/Puerto Rican
  • White/Caucasian

All information in this profile is characteristic of the 12-month period ending June 2018, with the exception of income data, which are reported for 2017. The report is a deep dive into buyer and seller demographics.

Table: Home Buyer and Seller Demographic Changes, 2013 to 2018

Download the full reportpdf
