WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 11, 2023)—NAR’s board of directors has approved recommendations requiring board members to complete:

The requirements are phased in:

  • Directors serving in 2024 will be required to complete the three programs as a performance expectation by May 1, 2024. 
  • Beginning with the 2025 board, completion of the programs will be a qualification for serving as a director.

The recommendations came from the Diversity Committee with the support of the Leadership Identification and Development Committee.

NAR’s D.E.I. Strategy includes an “Executive Commitment Pillar” with an objective of ensuring that NAR leadership is educated on D.E.I. The board previously adopted the same requirement for committee liaisons, Executive Committee members, Regional Vice Presidents, and the Leadership Team. Today’s decision expands NAR's executive commitment to D.E.I. education, ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion are prioritized and built into our association structures.