Title:Signature Series Speakers' Bureau

San Anselmo, CA


Speaker Fee: $5,500 plus expenses
Course Length: 4 hours


Bob Potter is the managing principal of RA Potter Advisors LLC, a marketing and sales strategy consulting practice for real estate service providers. He is the author of “Selling Real Estate Services:Third Level Secrets of Top Producers” and “Winning in the Invisible Market: A Guide to Selling Professional Services in Turbulent Times.” His clients include most of the major real estate companies.

Bob spent 25 years in business development for IBM, McGraw-Hill, Dean Witter and MBIA. He has opened new markets in the U.S., Mexico, Australia and Asia. Several years ago he co-founded and then sold REALBID, a successful commercial real estate technology company to COMPS and then to Costar Group and started RA Potter Advisors to help others develop and communicate differentiated value propositions and accelerate business relationships to win and retain committed clients.

Course Descriptions

5 Ways to Survive (and Prosper) During the Downturn in Real Estate Services

For many service providers this is the most challenging market it a generation. In this half-day workshop Potter looks at the 2002 downturn to identify likely winners and losers and prepare you to win in this hyper-competitive market? He will present 5 strategies for surviving and even prospering in these hostile markets. He show the common mistakes that providers make when pursuing business and how elite providers win in good markets and bad markets. You will learn how to:

  • turn existing clients into your private sales force
  • focus your specialization to dominate your market niche
  • re-engineer your value proposition to make it easier for clients to choose you
  • win against your best competitors
  • eliminate competition by winning the business before it sees the light of day

Introduction to Third Level Selling™

Advanced partnering skills for experienced commercial real estate professionals

Third Level Selling™: Advanced Client Partnering Skills for Commercial Real Estate Service Providers

Elite commercial real estate service providers, the top 5% have the biggest and most profitable clients. They rarely compete on price, and they do well in good and bad markets. What do these elite providers do differently than the rest of us to win new clients and retain the ones they have? The short answer is that they engage clients at a deeper personal and professional level, a Third Level. That leads to greater success and career satisfaction and less competition. IN this course you will learn te communication skills that elite providers employ to build strategic partnerships, with new business and retain committed clients.

Why Should I Choose You? How to Win in Competition

Your potential clients have more choice than ever in this hostile market place. If you can’t clearly communicate how you are different and better than your best competitors, prospects won’t meet with you, listen to you, share their problems or choose you. In this half day workshop you will see surprising research on how and why clients choose one service provider over another and how the best providers position, build preference and get chosen. Prepare to win.

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