The ancient design philosophy of feng shui is gaining more traction in real estate as the number of Chinese home buyers are taking a bigger liking to U.S. real estate.

Eighty-six percent of Chinese Americans believe feng shui will play a role in a future home buying decision, according to a newly released survey of 500 Chinese-American home buyers, conducted by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, in conjunction with the Asian Real Estate Association of America. What’s more, 79 percent of respondents said they’d pay more for a home that follows feng shui principles -- an average of 16 percent more to boot.

Seventy-five percent of respondents said deal breakers for them, which follow feng shui principles, would be a home being located at the end of a dead-end street, having the stairs directly facing the front door, and if the front and back doors are aligned.

Chinese buyers spent a whopping $28.6 billion on U.S. residential real estate from April 2014 to March 2015, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. That is prompting more real estate professionals to take notice of what feng shui is all about and what could be driving some of this growing number of buyers’ interests.

Peruse this infographic from Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate to learn more about feng shui.






