The National Association REALTORS® encourages our state and local REALTOR® Associations to partner with others to make their communities better places to live and work.   Our Placemaking Micro-grant is available to our REALTOR® Associations to help fund local placemaking projects.

Since the launch of the Placemaking Micro-grant in January 2014, we have approved over $200,000 in funding for over 100 community placemaking projects.   As part of the grant requirements, we ask for a before photo of the current space and a photo of the same space after the project has been completed to show how a space could be transformed into a gathering place for the community.

We are now starting to receive some of the “after” photos which we would like to share with you.   Note that some of these are still works in progress as spring was late in coming and the April showers have yet to bring the May flowers.

In addition, here is some feedback on our Placemaking Micro-grant from our REALTOR® associations who have received the grant.

I think NAR’s Placemaking Grant was one of the most fun grants we’ve ever gotten because it allowed us to be creative, artistic, and partner with the artists in our community which is something we don’t normally do with other grants.”  Connie Legris, Executive Officer, Kankakee-Iroquois-Ford Association of REALTORS®

“It truly was a wonderful experience and if this first project is an example of what to expect from these grants, we will certainly be doing many more.” Colleen Pappas, Executive Vice President, WRAR

“This was a great project that brought together REALTORS®, builders, and contractors. The project made a huge difference for the Community Gardens and was greatly appreciated.  Thank you for believing in this project!” Jennifer Roche, Governmental Affairs Director, Knoxville Area Association of REALTORS®

“MOR’s donation to the playground boosted my sense of pride in the project even more. I’ve taken my family there already and my kids absolutely loved it.” Missoula Organization of REALTORS®, President Brint Wahlberg.

If you have an unused, underused, unwelcoming space in your community, maybe it’s time to transform it into a more welcoming place for the community to gather.

These are our first and second round of projects.   See the first roundSee the second round.

Traverse Area Association of REALTORS® (MI).    Leelanau Trailhead.   Creation of a kiosk, seating, and bike racks for a trailhead and community meet up space.

“Build it and they will come! I might have to put out more racks south of the kiosk area in the grass. It is a good thing. “Wally Delamater, Suttons Bay Village, Village Supervisor.

Bronx-Manhattan North Association of REALTORS® (NY).    Design and painting of a mural part of a new pedestrian plaza project.   See:

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor returned to her childhood roots in Soundview, Bronx to unveil the new mural.  “It is an area that is up and coming, and we want to make it vibrant for the people who live and work there,” said Eliezer Rodriguez, executive officer of the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of  REALTORS®(R), adding “It is going to make people look up and feel good about that community.”

Montana Association of REALTORS®.   Creation of a new micro-park across the street from the Capitol including the installation of benches, landscaping and signage.

Austin Board of REALTORS®.  Creation of a community park next to the Board’s new office building.

Greater Springfield Board of REALTORS® (MO).  Place within a Place at Phelps Grove Park including the installation of several stone benches, walking path, trees and landscaping.  Read more about this project in the Realtor® Party Success Storiespdf.

Northern Fairfield Association of REALTORS® (CT).   Blue Star Memorial Garden including a bench, memorial marker & landscaping.