In April 2020, NAR released a report that reveals insight as to where sustainability efforts are growing within the real estate industry. Below are a few 2020 REALTORS® and Sustainability report highlights identifying members positioning on sustainable issues.

Residential Highlights

  • 61% of respondents found clients were at least somewhat interested in sustainability.
  • 85% of respondents said properties with solar panels were available in their market.
  • 40% said properties with solar panels increased the perceived property value.
  • A majority of agents and brokers (70%) said that energy efficiency promotion in listings was very or somewhat valuable.
  • Over half of agents and brokers found that consumers (52%) were somewhat interested in sustainability, and 9% were very interested.
Bar chart: Sustainability: Value of Energy Efficiency Promotion

Commercial Highlights

  • A majority of agents and brokers (74%) said that energy efficiency promotion in listings was very or somewhat valuable.
  • 58% of respondents were extremely comfortable or comfortable answering clients’ questions about building performance.
  • Market issues and considerations agents and brokers listed as important included improving the energy efficiency on existing buildings (49%).
  • 42% of REALTORS® said buildings with green certifications, such as LEED, Green Globes, or Living Building Challenge, had increased commercial property values.
  • 38% of respondents had clients ask for advice on improving energy efficiency in their building or space.
Bar chart: Sustainability: Issues and Considerations in Market

For more industry insight on sustainability, please read NAR’s full 2020 Sustainability Report.
