The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the 2019 Platinum Global Achievement Program Award to the Austin Board of REALTORS® at the Annual Conference & Expo in San Francisco, CA. The Association staff and volunteer leaders demonstrated high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach, and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories and providing their members with quality networking and education events, ABoR Global went through a rebirth and came out renewed, stronger, and ready to take on the world in 2019. Part of the rebirth was laying out a 3-year Global strategy and developing a robust Global Handbook which beautifully outlines everything their group plans to do. In addition to that, they also put together an entire page dedicated to “Why Austin” ( which includes a video and truly speaks to WHY global is part of this association’s mission. The other important work done by this group in 2019 is through their increased engagement with strategic partners like AREAA, NAGLREP, WCR, RRC, and many more in the Austin area. This group was impressive in 2019 and definitely one to keep an eye on in 2020!

This is the first Platinum award for the Austin Board of REALTORS®. In 2018 and 2017 they held the Silver Achievement Award.  

Congrats, ABoR Global!