New REALTOR BENEFITS® Partner Xceligent Changing the Game and the Playing Field for REALTORS®

Xceligent will be delivering competitive commercial real estate information services to the industry and REALTORS® are receiving preferred pricing on fully researched information as well as global marketing of listings. Turn to the Tech Savvy column in this issue to get the latest information on this exciting direction for the REALTOR Benefits® Program and REALTORS®.

5-Year Flood Insurance Extension Championed by REALTOR®  Party

On June 29, 2012, both the Senate and House passed the Biggert- Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 as a part of H.R. 4348, the Surface Transportation Conference Report and the President signed the measure in July. This is the culmination of a successful multi-year REALTOR® campaign and a final push at NAR’s Midyear Legislative Rally and Meetings in May 2012. Congress had been extending the National Flood Insurance Program a few months at a time since 2008. Twice this led to shut downs, including one that stalled thousands of real estate sales in June 2010 alone. Passage of this 5-year re-authorization will bring certainty to real estate transactions in more than 21,000 communities nationwide where flood insurance is required. The bill ensures the program will continue long-term for more than 5.6 million business and homeowners who rely on it, achieves one of NAR’s top priorities for the year, and means taxpayers will spend less on federal assistance for flood disasters over the long run.

To read about the extension and NAR’s efforts, go to:

REALTOR®  Code of Ethics Compliance Due December 31, 2012

REALTORS® can meet the code of ethics requirement by taking the online course. Once you log in to the Code of Ethics online course you can choose to take a commercial track. REALTORS® who complete the Code of Ethics Training Requirement between July 1 and Aug. 31 will automatically be entered to win an Apple iPad 3!

To get started and complete your training, go to:

REALTOR®  Annual Conference & Expo, Nov. 9-12, 2012, Orlando, Florida

Early bird registration available until Aug.15! Full conference registration includes over 100 education sessions including two full days of commercial real estate programming including a networking reception and admission to the Commercial Block at the EXPO where REALTORS® have access to all programs and services related to commercial real estate and networking space. New flexible registration options available such as the One Session + Expo for $50! NAR Commercial represents over 72,000 REALTORS® – visit Orlando in November to connect with the largest commercial real estate association in the world.

For more information, go to: