The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the 2018 Platinum Global Achievement Program Award to the NC REALTORS® Global Network at the Annual Conference & Expo in Boston, MA. The Association staff and volunteer leaders demonstrated high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories, the NC REALTORS® Global Network has set the bar for a fantastic example of a state association working in the global space. In 2018, they launched their global network and in that FIRST year they created a comprehensive network of all parties invested in North Carolina’s economic development so that they seamlessly work together towards allowing the global market place to recognize what NC has to offer. Included in that vision was the development of 7 separate magazines, one for each primary industry in the state, to offer statistical information on that industry. That initiative gave great credibility to the industry North Carolina offers to their global partners. In addition to that magazine, they also created an Economic Development “Toolkit” Publication to better assist the REALTOR® member on how to connect with local, state and national economic development organizations. The staff and volunteer leaders at the state level also work diligently spreading the global word and resources with many of their local associations around NC.

This is the first Global Achievement Award held by NC REALTORS®.

Congrats, NC REALTORS® Global Network!
