Being a leader means staying on top of real estate trends, along with having data to support your conversations. ESRI Tapestry Data from Realtors Property Resource® (RPR) is just the right solution for that purpose. Through RPR, REALTORS® have access to creating Commercial Trade Area Reports that detail activity within a specified geography using demographics, psychographics and consumer spending data. A REALTOR® can measure, predict, and target the right location for business growth, whether representing businesses looking to start or expand in a particular area. The ESRI Tapestry Data combines the “who” of the lifestyle demography with the “where” of the local neighborhood to create a model of various lifestyle classifications.

Dan Bagwell, researcher with the Birmingham Business Journal, recently produced a series of articles focused on consumer spending habits in various zip codes using ESRI data, the exact data available through RPR. There’s great opportunity for REALTORS® to strengthen their voice and demonstrate their expertise within their communities with access to validating data. Through RPR reports, you have presentational pieces that are customizable to increase the REALTOR® voice within media, sitting down with elected officials, and strategizing with economic development councils.

With market specific demographic and economic trends and forecast data available through RPR, REALTOR® leaders, Federal Political Coordinators, Local and State REALTOR® Association Staff have responded favorably to the depth this data adds to business meetings:

“When I met with Congressman Loudermilk, I supplied him with a Federal Report for Georgia’s 11th District created within RPR. I wanted to give him something of value (more than just our info exchange) and it served as a ‘leave behind,’ which also contained all of my contact info and picture on the front of the report.” - Brent Ellis, NAR Member and Federal Political Coordinator for Congressman Loudermilk, Georgia 11th Congressional District

“I have been using RPR to generate reports that help our local officials fully understand the local property/ real estate industry in light of the exceptional growth Greater Chattanooga and Hamilton County, TN have experienced in the past few years with the arrival of Volkswagen and Amazon as our new growth partners in Chattanooga.”- Robert Nodes, Government Affairs Director, Greater Chattanooga Association of REALTORS®

Interested in taking a look at trends and forecasts in your area? Sign into RPR today and click reports at the top right corner of RPR Commercial at If you have questions about RPR Commercial Trade Area Reports, call the RPR team at 1-877-977-7576.