The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the 2017 Platinum Global Achievement Program Award to the Illinois REALTORS® Global Business Council at the Annual Conference & Expo in Chicago, IL. The Association staff and volunteer leaders demonstrated high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories, the Illinois REALTORS® Global Business Council is a fantastic example of a state association best working in the global space. In 2017, they grew from a Global Working Group to a Global Business Council; they then grew membership in that council by 16%. In being aware of how global real estate effects all markets, they made sure to include and grow their commercial membership participation in the council. Not only do they support and sponsor the efforts of their local global groups but they have also become an integral partner with the Economic Development groups in the state. Statements such as “We were invited by the GOVERNOR to be the voice for real estate in Illinois” exemplify why they are award winning.

This is the first Platinum Global Achievement Award held by Illinois REALTORS®. In 2016 and 2015 they held Gold and Silver in 2014. 

Congrats, Illinois REALTORS® Global Business Council!