The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the 2018 Platinum Global Achievement Program Award to the Central Alabama Global Alliance of the Birmingham Association of REALTORS® at the Annual Conference & Expo in Boston, MA. The Association staff and volunteer leaders demonstrated high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories, the Central Alabama Global Alliance continued to consistently provide their members educational events, marketing tools – including the new “Why Alabama” campaign - and strongly connected to the external business community in 2018. The CAGA has become a recognized partner with local government and regional entities such as the mayor’s office and city council. They were invited (and participated) in economic development opportunities, trade missions and educational sessions with these community partners. The groundwork that they have worked hard to lay for the global landscape in Alabama over the past few years has really shone through in this recognition this year.

In 2016 and 2017, the Central Alabama Global Alliance held Gold. Prior to that, in 2014 and 2015, they held Silver.

Congrats, Central Alabama Global Alliance of the Birmingham Association of REALTORS®!